Tuesday 18 November 2014

Girls Who Prefer Having Guy Friends

There's been a lot of hate on the internet recently to girls who prefer spending time with guys. This pisses me right off. I am a girl. My best friend is a guy. My closest friends are also all guys bar one. One.

Now, I don't see what's wrong with this. It's a personal preference. I sit and chat with a group of girls and it tends to be about boys, make up, hair, clothes... You get the picture. I don't find this interesting. However when I sit and chat with a group of guys... For one, topics seem to vary more. It might be about sport which I mostly have no interest in. It might be about films, TV shows, music, their college subjects... I know "girls talk about this stuff too." Buuuut I tend to find girls are often more into reality shows so if I want to talk about The Vampire Diaries, Arrow, Gotham, Flash, The Walking Dead, Sherlock, Modern Family... I have to talk to my mate Ali. (Okay, so he doesn't watch TWD. My point still stands.)

Yeah, some girls like the same music as me. But often they don't. The music I like isn't exactly popular so finding someone who has an agreeable taste is hard. But guys are often less judgemental and don't say shit like "that sounds like eeemooo music." I mean seriously? It's a damned Christmas song!

Why is it that girls who only hang out with girls don't get that kinda hate? They're still picking one gender over the other. Just because I pick guys over girls I'm meant to be a misogynist? Surely that argument can be used on any girl who is straight because she'd date a guy over a girl.

Do you see my point?

Thursday 9 October 2014


Google, what's a flirtationship?

  1. Flirtationship (n) – A social situation that comprises more than a friendship, but less than a relationship. Although Urban Dictionary defines it as “when you regularly flirt with a friend, but do no more,” that doesn't preclude a relationship in the future, necessarily.
Ever been in one? Many people will find themselves in one of these at some point.

I just thought I'd write one about my own experience,

There's a guy. *yawn* another high school story. But shhhh! He's really nice and rather attractive... Stop yawning, just listen! Anyway, we spent a lot of time over the summer holidays (and some time before) flirting back and forth. There were conversations at ungodly hours, joking around, hinting, sexual jokes that wouldn't normally be made between friends... I think you probably get the picture.

We finally met up towards the end of the summer but only with a large group of mutual friends. This guy turned up late and came to sit next to me. At lunch he attempted to get me to sit next to him only I'd already sat next to another friend and on our way to the bus stop, we mostly just chatted to each other.

Nothing significant actually happened.

So, I say as a joke in a group chat that they should come with me to this exhibition I had to go to. It was a throwaway comment and I didn't think anybody would take it seriously. So when I get a text from this guy when I'm on my way asking what time I'm getting there. I asked why he wanted to come and he replied "I have taken a sudden interest in photography." And wr spent the next 3 days joking about it. I had already been on my way and so when he got there I was long gone. But he had turned up and I wondered, if I stayed, would it have been a date? 

Anyway, after the holidays finished and it was back to college he appearingly ceased to give a damn about me as anything other than a peer. I found all this very strange and realised he probably got bored of me. I got over it, it wasn't ever serious. Nowhere near. 

But then he took an interest again. The moral of this story is not to let people fuck you around but also not to waste time. If I had just worked up the guts to ask him on an actual date, things might be VERY different. 

He and I still talk. I hope he doesn't find this blog post. 

Friday 3 October 2014

Patty Walters: Top 10... So Far!

Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus
This is Halloween - Nightmare Before Christmas
Can't Save Myself (As It Is)
Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus
The A Team - Ed Sheeran
For Baltimore - All Time Low
Saturday - Rebecca Black
I just can't wait to be King - The Lion King
Song About A Girl (technically Luke Cutforth... but c'mon. We all know this was mostly Patty's doing!)

Thursday 25 September 2014

Rumours and Being Called Autistic

Recently at college there have rumours within a certain group of people I know. These rumours concerned me and my love life (which doesn't actually exist, hence why these are no more than rumours.)

Firstly, there were rumours that one of my friends liked me. I knew full well that this was not the case. We share a mutual feeling of "You're a bit of a prick but we're friends nonetheless so let's just keep you in the friendzone." This was a rumour I could cope with on it's own.

The second rumour I heard was along similar lines only with a different person who I was not (at least at the time) quite as close with. I heard this once and then later on that day, I heard it again. Only the second time it was more developed and made to sound like something that had spread more widely and the other person involved was aware of. This set me off in a panic as it made me think he had confirmed some sort of truth to this, to which there was none. However, when I confronted him on the matter, he had no idea what was going on and this was the first he had heard of it.

This first person I started hearing rumours from has started being even more annoying though. On Monday, I was in a room with him when I threw some sellotape at his water bottle. Not him, his water bottle. I hot the target but he still turned round and called me autistic because "autistic people throw things." Now, I have nothing against autistic people. I do, however, find it rather offensive both to myself and people who do suffer from autism that this be said. He then went on to tell me I have anger issues to which I thought "no shit, you just called me autistic." and then he told me I must have some form of mental illness.

I'm sorry, what!?

As if he hadn't already been offensive enough, he then told me I must have a mental illness. For all he knows, I do. I really found this offensive. As somebody who may or may not suffer anxiety/a panic disorder, depression, a sleeping disorder and has previously had an eating disorder... I found this seriously offensive.

Today, I told two mutual friends about what had happened. They told me that I shouldn't take it seriously as this guy had clearly been joking. This has only further pissed me off. I have talked to this guy and explained that I am annoyed and laid out my reasons as to why.

Lesson here: Don't call people autistic or tell them they have anger issues or a mental illness. These are serious things and it may well result in upsetting/annoying a person.

Rant over.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Pepper Spray

Seeing as it's been all over Twitter, I'm guessing you all know I'm not talking about ACTUAL pepper spray...

Yes! That guy. Sam Pepper, the infamous YouTube vlogger who has finally been called out on his sexual harassment of women. His newest 3 part video series was supposedly a social experiment to highlight the serious issue of abuse towards both men and women. However, the first video was titled a "prank" and the women who were sexually harassed, in the form of having their rear ends pinched/grabbed by the vlogger, all seemed a little too uncomfortable for what Sam said on Twitter to be:
and just to let anyone who is confused know, ALL PEOPLE in the video gave PRIOR CONSENT to ACTING in the experiment.

This clearly seems to have come off as a lie. What I personally don't understand is why he waited so long to say anything about it. The video "Fake Hand Ass Pinch Prank" was uploaded Saturday 20th September 2014 to Sam Pepper's YouTube channel though has been removed since. On Tuesday 23rd September 2014, Sam uploaded Part Two in which he had a female friend do exactly the same to guys. However, this all seemed a little rushed, especially with Part Three: The Reveal being uploaded later that same day. This is the only video in the trilogy to have remained on YouTube. The other videos were taken down for their sexual content.

Many other YouTubers have stood up and had their say on the subject.

Hank Green and TheFineBros 

Jack Howard from OMFGIt'sJackandDean


However, I think the most shocking YouTuber reactions have to be from Dottie Martin (thisbedottie) and Laci Green (sex+)

Laci has also posted about threatening emails she has received from Sam, warning her not to say anything.

Friday 19 September 2014

Mental Illness and Psychosomatic Aggravation

Anxiety and depression are possibly the most common mental illnesses and I do believe you can make them worse for yourself.

Now, I was criticised for saying: If you have anxiety, that's fine. Just don't exaggerate how bad it is. You will legitimately make it worse.

I don't think this is an unfair comment. If you overplay anxiety and pretend it's affecting an aspect of your life which it isn't, it's probably going to start affecting that aspect of your life. Other examples of similar situations can be found in the TV shows House and Sherlock. Dr House gives a patient mints instead of tablets and they magically work aka the placebo effect. In Sherlock, the great detective proves Watson's limp is psychosomatic. Now let's define psychosomatic:

  1. 1.
    (of a physical illness or other condition) caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as internal conflict or stress.
    "her doctor was convinced that most of Edith's problems were psychosomatic"
    synonyms:(all) in the mind, psychologicalirrationalstress-relatedstress-inducedsubjectivesubconsciousunconscious
    "a diagnosis of psychosomatic illness should not be made lightly"

Now doesn't that sound like it might apply to mental illnesses too? "Or other condition." Because, whilst you might have a mental illness, it can be aggravated by a mental factor. In fact, one of the main issues thought to be prone to aggravation is in fact anxiety.

Let's come up with an example. I get anxious when it comes to relationships. If I stay clear of guys I like and guys who like me and anything to do with it... I'm not going to learn to deal with it. In fact, I'll probably start imagining it's worse than it realistically is. HOWEVER, if I keep working towards building up the courage to ask out a guy I like... Am I not working to overcome that one thing that makes me anxious?

Now I have been working on that and I'm not quite there yet. I've also been doing this with trampolines and I very rarely have panic attacks on them anymore. Now I'm not saying I'm going to start going to my college's trampolining club... But sure, I'll go on the one in my back garden with my brothers and not freak out. I can even do seat drops again now.

However, if you start making up situations in your mind (which lets be honest we all do sometimes) and you have anxiety... Isn't it possible you'll be having a panic or anxiety attack over nothing?

So maybe, just maybe, I have a point in saying that exaggerating a mental illness will make it worse. Now I know I've used anxiety as my main example here, but I'm sure you can apply it to depression. "School will be awful and I will get bullied." Will not help you. "Today will be better and I'm going to force a smile." Might. It's not certain. But to me, it's a risk worth taking.

I am not a health expert. 

Thursday 14 August 2014

Get it Right

I think people get me wrong when I say I'm not a feminist.

Saying I'm not a feminist, girls often confuse me for a misogynistic, homophobic, racist person (and I have actually been called this.) When in reality, I don't like some of the extremes feminism has caused and some of it's more hypocritical actions. These lead me to refuse to identify as a feminist. I'm just not one.

I do, contrary to popular belief, support equality for all... At least as far as is biologically possible. Obviously homosexual couples can't have children that belong to both of them. This is a biological inequality. Just as girls are naturally less strong than boys but more observant. Now, these gender differences don't always apply, but in most cases, this is how biology works.

So what exactly are my views?

Gay marriage is a must. In fact, lets just call it marriage, who cares who the fuck it is, lets all get stuck with one person for all eternity.

Girls in education. The kidnapping of girls just to stop them getting educated is wrong. FUCKING WRONG.

Also, who even gives a fuck anymore what your skin colour is. Black kids can be scholars and asians drop outs. Whats with the stereotypes. Yes, it's based on statistics. But from my perspective on the world, those statistics seem to be shifting.

So what encouraged me to write this after my massive break from blogging? (oops for that by the way.)

Racially motivated crimes. They're appaling.

How about Brendon Urie and all he's done for the Human Rights Campaign and gay pride yet it's got ruined somewhat by feminists saying that the directors cut was sexist because there were 2 women kissing but not 2 men. It's called girls/girls/boys and is based on man's experience of being in love with a bisexual woman. That is why.

Or how about those girls who were kidnapped from school because of a bunch of fucking pricks being afraid of women getting an education. Worse, the story seems to have dropped from the media because, apparently, we as humans in other countries don't care.

So maybe you should get it right what you say about me. 

Friday 25 July 2014

Who To See Live: My Hitlist

All Time Low
Seen once, were amazing. Want to see again.

Panic! At The Disco
I sit on YouTube loads watching live performances. Brendon's voice is perfection.

My friend saw them live, apparently are good. Love their music, it's so chill. Also, Chris has a nice voice live in videos.

The Midnight Beast
Maybe not the best singers live... But they can PLAY. Also, atmosphere always looks really good.

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
No idea what they're like live, just want to know what the atmosphere would be like.

Evan Taubenfeld
Acoustic. I would love to see this guy do an acoustic session. His songs are fucking brilliant.

I have their live album. Is amazing. Want the real thing.

Patty Walters
This guy rocks.

Bring Me The Horizon
Started getting into them and would love to go to a gig because it would be fucking insane!

Ghost Town
I want a legitimate excuse to yell "DRINKS IN THE AM, FUCKS IN THE PM, TREATS ALL THE BOYS LIKE SHE DON'T NEED 'EM!" at the top of my lungs. Also, being surrounded by people doing the same... Who wouldn't want that?

Metro Station
The reformed band is so much better now. Thank fuck we got rid of Trace Cyrus.

Papa Roach
More lyrics I'd love to scream.

Rise Against
I somewhat idolise these guys but don't actually listen to them that much... Still, certainly want to see them live.

The Rubberbandits
Just for the bragging rights really.

The Vamps
So different to the rest of this list... But I would like to go to see them once. They're good live (from videos I've seen) and it's probably quite different from those previously mentioned.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Sometimes, You Have To Take The Hints

  • If she refuses to hug you, she's probably not into you.
  • If she refuses to wear a necklace you bought her, she's probably not into you.
  • If she looks unimpressed when you buy her a necklace, she's probably not into you.
  • If she ignores your texts, she's probably not into you.
  • If she hangs up/rejects your calls, she's probably not into you.
  • If she won't accept alcohol from you, she's probably aware you're trying to get her into bed and she's probably not into you.
  • If she refuses to sit next to you, she's probably not into you.
  • If she tells you who she's into, she's probably not into you.
  • If she catches you staring at her breasts and slaps you, she's probably not into you.
  • If she has to drag along another friend to avoid spending 10 minutes alone with you, she's probably not into you.
  • If she removes you from all her social medias, she's probably not into you.
  • If she tries to avoid you, she's probably not into you.
  • If she doesn't buy into your bullshit sob story, she's probably not into you.
  • If she says she's a lesbian, she's probably not into you.

And yet, despite doing all of the above (okay, maybe not the last one), this guy still did not take the hint that I'm not into him. On top of this, I later discovered he was talking about me behind my back to other guys. I honestly don't know why he couldn't just take the hint. This guy made me feel very uncomfortable, he was very touchy-feely and was hellbent on getting me drunk off his 70% alcohol vodka. Somehow, this guy was absolutely adamant that he would succeed in getting me to sleep with him. As if this was a one up for him like losing his virginity would raise him above all his friends.

I know, I sound very confident like "ugh, this guy was hitting on me and I wasn't into him. Like, take a hint." but he was making it blatantly obvious and EVERYONE noticed his actions and asked if we were together. Maybe it sounds harsh to say "Never in a million years." But this guy made me feel so uncomfortable.

Anyway, I shall leave with an appropriate nightcore.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Gay Rights

Gay Rights Support Cake story

It's amazing to think that this is going to court as discrimination. It's nice to see that gay rights support is really picking up. Things like this and the legalisation of gay marriage is great to see as it shows how we are growing as a society to become more accepting. However the argument that this prevents the right to religious freedom...

I'm an atheist. Or as my English teacher said, I'm a "lapsed Catholic" (he then told me I'm going to hell) so it doesn't really affect me. But lets look at the bigger picture. I have friends who are Christian, Muslim and other religions. Surely they deserve the right to their religion too?

What I don't see is why the two things need to collide. Didn't God say to love everyone equally? If so, surely that requires not discriminating against people for gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, ethnic background, class... anything! However, taking it in a different light... Doesn't loving everyone equally relate to being pansexual?

Anyway, just a short blog because writers block and ARGH! Might have a couple of blogs soon with a bit more... thought behind them. For now... Have some YouTube videos, a key staple of my blog.

Thursday 3 July 2014


Filming to begin in 2015 for 4 new episodes. The question is:

Will they be to the same standard as series 1 and 2 or series 3?

Let's be honest here, series 3 may have been the funniest series as of yet but it was not as good as the first 2 series in it's deduction and well thought out plots. It's a crime drama, not a comedy. This has resulted in the loss of some fans because it's lost it's charm in it's plots. These are the more hard core fans and chances are, this won't be fixed. With the fangirl culture overriding nerd culture, Moffat and Gatiss are being told that it's brilliant and funny and even better than before. In reality, the people who are fans of the Sherlock books are leaving and will not watch series 4 because they feel it's gotten lost to a bunch of 12 year old girls and they're more focused on being Twitter trends than a good show.

Maybe I'm being harsh. But Mary Morstan is an assassin? Where was that in the books? I get it that with the empowerment of women we're trying to make female characters more exciting, more masculine. I like strong female characters but... this is just plain strange.

Also, we still haven't been told how Sherlock faked his death. Let's be honest, this was a MASSIVE let down for everyone. And surely most options rely on Moriarty ACTUALLY being dead. So now we're guessing how they both managed to survive.

Anyway, I love the show, just feeling a little disappointed.

Here's to a good 2016 for Sherlock!

Monday 30 June 2014

The Worst Advice and Myths in Love, Sex and Relationships - Busted!

Just thought I'd bust a few myths and bad bits of advice so here goes:

You can get HIV from kissing
This is not true. You can only get HIV from unsafe sex. Also, please remember only barrier contraception will prevent the spread of STDs and condoms aren't 100% effective!

Popping your cherry is the same as losing your virginity

Lies! Popping your cherry refers to the breaking of the hymen and only applies to women. The hymen may break during activities other than sex including using tampons, periods in general, exercise, horse riding or might even just disintegrate gradually over time.

All guys want sex
Yes, whilst most guys want sex, some do not. This may be due to religion or high morality or even just a lack of sex drive.

The guy should supply the condom
The girl is also to blame for accidental pregnancy and STDs. Girls can bring condoms to the bedroom/party/wherever the fuck you decide to get it on. Also, the pill, implant, femidons, spray, caps, patch, coil and a few other methods.

Looks are everything
Good news to the people who hate mirrors, looks aren't everything. Pheromones are responsible for who we like. This is a smell that we don't actually know is there but we subconsciously like and know where it comes from. Okay, maybe that's not quite how it works but it's the best way I could think of describing it. Anyway, pheromones know not of looks. Sadly, they also do not know of the terms "jerk" "dickwad" "bad news" or any other things that might be personality related we wish to avoid.

Keep a condom in your wallet
Aaaand 9 months later you'll have a little baby. The wrapper actually gets damaged from this and so this is a bad idea. If you are going to keep a condom in your wallet, replace it every week and throw away the damaged condom.

Two condoms are better than one
Chances are if you're using two... you don't know how to put them on properly anyway. When used properly, condoms are highly effective. Most condom mishaps come from lack of knowledge... Welcome to the education system. Algebra is more important than safe sex.

Pulling out prevents pregnancy
Wrong! Precum is a factor and will be able to get you pregnant. It can also still spread STDs.

Sex education teaches us everything we need to know
So wrong! Schools don't teach us anywhere near enough about STDs, pregnancy, safe sex or other factors in sex ed including sexual orientation and puberty. You're best off doing loads of research yourself.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Random Rant Blog

Where you going then?
It may end up being more boring than your life
which is a thin possibility

This is an actual part of a conversation I had. I find it quite offensive. Yes, I'm always saying I'm bored. Yes, I often AM bored. But there's reasons for this.

Recently I have talked a friend down from suicide. I also had to get myself out of an anxiety attack today and my friend talked me through my panic attack yesterday. One of my friends has been having some issues lately with his self esteem and I've been there to talk to whenever he needs me. Also, this person was in the room when the youth worked at college (who also runs our student union) came in and asked to talk to me in private. If you're wondering why this is, it's because I think my friend may potentially attempt suicide again. I have 2 younger brothers that I have to babysit when my parents go to work and yet I still seem to do more work than you do. I certainly have better attendance. 

Where exactly is the time for me to have fun? There isn't that much of it when you throw in chores and homework and daily life routine. I had fun this morning by playing Just Dance on the wii and the experience calmed me down quite a bit. But that was all I had time for before my brothers came in demanding food. Like seriously, I want to have fun but sometimes life comes at us.

So fuck you. Rant over.

Sex: Outside a Relationship?

So the other day a friend told me that "50% of guys know what they want and don't mind being alone." Implying that guys want sex and don't care if they're in a relationship or not. I don't think this is quite true. The percentage seems wrong and so does the fact that he left girls out of this statement. So here are the rough categories of when people want sex in and out of relationships.

Just sex, no strings attached
No relationship, no commitment. The perks of sex without the downsides that there are to a relationship. No commitment, no having to remember birthdays or anniversaries or valentines day. Also, you don't have to buy gifts or pay for dates. Just condoms.

Relationship, great. No relationship, one night stand it is.
Basically what my friend was describing. The idea that sex is more important than a relationship but obviously a relationship has it's perks. The feeling of being in a relationship and love... Plus the fact that sex is more likely as you don't have to go out and look for a partner.

Sex inside a relationship
One night stands seem pointless and sex is more meaningful in a relationship. You know the person and are more comfortable with them, that's how it's meant to be, right? Not this promiscuous nature that is encouraged by the media and practiced by so many teenagers.

No sex please
Sex isn't for everyone. It might be religion, not feeling ready, conscience, morality or something that you maybe can't place your finger on... You're just not ready for sex yet.

Relationships? Sex? Ew.
Doesn't all this stuff require a little too much emotion? And let's be honest... everybody of the gender that you go for is a bit of a douche.

Short entry but... I felt like I needed to go through this.

Wednesday 25 June 2014


Consent - OMFGItsJackAndDean

"Lets let this out to the right extent, this guy wants you but only with your consent!"

This song is so funny and yet has a serious point to it. Consent is really important in all cases of sexual activity. If one or both parties do not give consent, it is a crime. Make sure you have consent assholes!

Knowing people who have been sexually assaulted, I have seen the sort of effects it can have on people. Some people cope better than others but just because someone can go on living like it was nothing, doesn't mean it was okay. They still didn't want it to happen and I think maybe lack of reporting sexual assault and rape is a large part of why some people still seem to think it's okay.

Welcome to the 21st century. Stop being a prick, it's not okay anymore!

This social prerequisite that having lost your v-card makes you cool... It doesn't.

This social expectation for people to have sex with their partners... It doesn't matter.

The mindset that you should be able to have sex with your partner... Go fuck yourself, why should they want to?

There was a lot of controversy earlier this year about consent after a string of allegations against YouTubers. As a reaction to this, there were also a lot of videos made about consent by famous YouTubers who are of the same mindset: Consent is compulsory, not optional.

John Green, vlogger and author (including the author of "The Fault In Our Stars")

Lex Croucher, vlogger

Charlie McDonnell, vlogger

Charlie's blog: Consent

Sunday 22 June 2014

How To: First Date

This is a brief guide on how to (hopefully) have a successful first date.

The What/Where/When
Before you can get ready to go on a date you have to actually have a plan...

Saturday or Sunday during the daytime is a pretty good time to go on a first date. I'd say meeting up between 11am and 4pm is good. Agree to meet somewhere that is familiar to you both, even if your actual date is further away. You can always travel there together.

As for the what... I think there are some dos and don'ts.


  • Keep it cheap
  • Keep it simple
  • Keep it social
  • Spend loads of money on the date
  • Pay for the other person
  • Go to a cinema, it's a common date place but sitting in a dark room and not talking for 2 hours won't actually give you much sense of whether or not you find this person interesting and fun to date
My best suggestions are for where to have a first date:
  • Coffee shop
  • Park
  • Ice cream place
  • Any other place you can sit and have a non-alcoholic drink
Yeah that'd be my other top tip... No alcohol on the first date.

Getting Ready
Okay, you've got your date, you know where you're going. Now it's the big day and you have to get ready.

Step 1) Have a shower. This will make you all nice and clean and you'll just smell more attractive.

Step 2) Dry your hair. You don't want your clothes soaked and you don't want wet hair when you arrive.

Step 3) Get dressed. Sounds basic. But again there are dos and don'ts.

  • Wear something casual, as if you were going shopping with friends. Jeans and a t-shirt will work well. If you go to college or wear your own clothes to school, wear something you would wear for a normal day there
  • Wear something comfortable, you don't want to be uncomfortable as it will affect how you feel about your date
Examples for good outfits: 

Examples for bad outfits: 


Step 4) Girls, put your make up on. Again casual everyday make up. Don't go over the top. If you look like you always do then you won't look like you're trying to hard to impress. 

Step 5) Hair. This is where you can do something different. Making your hair look extra nice (but please still try for casual) shows some difference and some interest in the person but it's not too much. For guys, gel in your hair (but not too much because ouch and ew) might work just to make it look "cool" and for girls... There is so much! A small braid going from the front of your head to the back, a fishtail braid, casual curls or even just straightening it if you don't usually, it can make a huge difference.

Step 6) Go on your date. Don't turn up too early. I'd say if you're more than 5 minutes early, go somewhere out of sight. The toilets or a nearby shop is hopefully a good cover. Also, try not to be any more than 10 minutes late. You'll seem uninterested and it's kinda rude.

Good luck on your date!

Saturday 21 June 2014

Types of People in an Office

#01 - The Boss
This is the person who is in charge. You go to them with complaints, you go with suggestions for change and if they come looking for you, run. You always know who your boss is, it's in your job description.

#02 - The Hard Worker
This person does their job. And some of yours. The main issue with this person often comes in the form of expecting them to do your job for you, but don't be fooled. They may take your place at a meeting so you can go home to watch reality TV, but when it comes time for that report to be done, they might just make you do it yourself. After all, shouldn't we all be working that hard?

#03 - The Ghost
They're always in the office, but not at the same time as you... Whenever you see them outside the office, they're super friendly. Surely they're not avoiding you, right?

#04 - The Missing Person
Similar to the ghost, you never see them in office. They're always out at lunch, in a meeting or down the doctor's office. Or at least, it's what they text you saying they were doing...

#05 - The Lazy One
Very different to the hard worker. They just don't do much. Kind of like the missing person but you do see them in the office. How can they spend that much time there and yet do so little? I mean, honestly?

#06 - The Secretary
They might not be the secretary, but they usually are. They are always the easiest to find and super friendly. A real people person. Always smiling, usually laughing, never on their own.

#07 - The Control Freak
All the work has to be done their way. Exactly. If it's not done exactly to their liking... Well, let's hope you don't get offended too easily. And are willing to work overtime to finish it their way.

#08 - The Power Freak
They don't care about doing the work. They just want power. The more important they are, the better.

#09 - The Nerd
We know all about nerds. They are good with IT and tend to talk about the latest video game convention or last night's sci-fi episode. Maybe not the best person to get stuck next to at the photocopier but definitely helpful when "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" just doesn't work.

#10 - The Green Freak
"Don't print it, just email me." and "DON'T PUT IT IN THE BIN! Recycle it." are common phrases this person will say. They will probably never reuse their plastic bottles though!

Disclaimer: These people are not based upon people I know. Any resemblance is purely by chance. This is meant as a joke, please do not take it as any more than that.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Today was Different...

Blogging about my day because I feel it was slightly interesting.

So at college I am a part of my student union. I have a very hands on, involved approach. Therefore I know a lot about what's going on. When the president asked me to help with this report, I was happy to help. So it was going to be me, the president and the vice president having a meeting to discuss this report on what we'd done.

Neither of them turned up.

Now in fairness the president had messaged me and said she would be late in. It was all legit and fair and didn't bother me. The VP and I could do it and run it past her later so she was caught up. But I ended up doing by myself when in theory... I'm almost the last person who should be doing it. I don't go to this meeting and I'm not the secretary. This is not my job whatsoever.

Anyway, the president turned up and read through it. she was super thankful and apologetic for not helping.

Still nothing from the VP.

So it's about 3:30 and the VP turns up and is going to write this report. So I sit in the office with one of the other guys and the VP is typing up a report. I look over his shoulder and it doesn't look like it's going well. He starts asking me questions because I seem to have the answers. I tell him I don't know and don't really understand. So he struggles on for 40 minutes. It's now 10 minutes before the meeting. I lean over his shoulder...

"Would you kill me if I say I've already done it? 'Cause I have. Far more thoroughly than this."

It was mildly funny. According to the co-ordinator, he owes me a coke or a coffee or something for covering his butt. Hehehehe.

In addition to this, it was the art exhibition at college. I had some pictures on display that I was very proud of, my dad came along and my teacher said really nice things about me, asked what my flaw is. Always feels nice when people can't see a flaw in you.

There was also a little plagiarism from some other people but... oh well. Guess you ca';t help it they're lazy.

Anyway, overall a pretty good day. My friend going round the exhibition did make me laugh. A LOT!

My pictures, set to Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne.

Friday 13 June 2014

#EndFathersDay and Feminism

I do not agree with the trending hashtag. 

I think it's ridiculous that it's not okay to be sexist to a woman but it is socially acceptable to be sexist to a man. It's also socially acceptable to be racist to a white person. 

Logic = gone!

There is a system that single mothers can use to track down runaway fathers in order to get them to pay money for their kids but single fathers are not allowed to use it to track down runaway mothers. Sexist

When battling for custody in court, a man cannot say that they love their child as it will be perceived as being creepy and they will not be given custody by being suspect of pedophillia. Women are completely fine to say they love their kids. Sexist

Single mothers get put to the top of the housing list for council houses. Single fathers might actually be told they aren't allowed on the waiting list even. Sexist

A large part of this is down to feminism and yet, a lot of feminists claim to want "equality" for both genders. Somehow this doesn't quite seem right to me. I know there is still a lot of sexism towards women too, I'm not so oblivious to have missed that. But everybody cares about that. Nobody cares about how poorly men are treated.

Anyway, I'm going to cut this there. I did write a blog post on my old blog about feminism but I had to private it due to some bullying incidents because GOD FORBID I HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS TO THE FEMINISTS AT MY COLLEGE! *GASP*

Saturday 7 June 2014

Not Knowing What To Blog About/Bucket List

I have no idea what to blog about (hence my lack of posts) so here is my bucket list for the summer.

  1. Keep a journal
  2. Make a music video and send it to BBC radio 1
  3. Read a lot
  4. Find a new TV series to watch (I watch very little TV)
  5. Dress up as a pokemon 
  6. Dress up as Harley Quinn (again)
  7. Visit Hampton Court
  8. Go on the London Eye
  9. Go to London aquarium 
  10. Go to Covent garden
  11. Visit Bow Street
  12. Go to build a bear
  13. Go to the beach
  14. Have a picnic in central London
  15. Have a picnic on Wimbledon common
  16. Have a massive water fight
  17. Have a sleepover
  18. Watch The Fault in our Stars
  19. Watch The Anomaly
  20. Studio Ghibli marathon
  21. Go to a concert
  22. Make something from Nerdy Nummies
  23. Lighten my hair
  24. Add colour to my hair
  25. Pull an all nighter
  26. Pictures in a photobooth
  27. Go bowling
  28. Spa day with friends
  29. Raise money for charity
  30. Keep this blog going

That's it for now but I might think of more and make a part 2.

Sunday 1 June 2014

I Had A Strange Dream

Yeah... Nothing interesting happens. I might just do more responses to YouTube videos...

So since Wednesday the following happened:

  • Met up with an old friend
  • Bowling was cancelled
  • Family stuff to do
  • Babysat

Thrilling, amayrite?

The most interesting thing was probably the dream I had last night... It was certainly... different.

Harrison Ford
There was a carnival/funfair thing on. I was there with some people I haven't seen in years. We did loads of crazy stuff and went on all the rides. Then I eventually went home. So I go home and I lived in this crazy big white and dark grey mansion. I go in and, for some reason, my dad is now Harrison Ford. So I'm wandering round the kitchen chatting to him as my dad then I decide to go upstairs. I go into my bedroom which is HUGE and there are 3 rooms attached, 2 bathrooms (one for each gender) and a massive cupboard with a huge bookshelf and wardrobe in it. So I go to lay in bed when Ian Somerhalder walks in. He's got on quite thick eyeliner for some reason and it can best be described as being like Jack Sparrow eyeliner. So he's on the phone to Patty Walters (seeing anything completely weird and random here?) and he's talking about how Patty got a new girlfriend and asking him questions about her and saying how good it is and how he deserves it after being single for so long (Patty Walters actually has a girlfriend in case you are wondering) and then Ian, still on the phone, come to lie next to me on the bed. I turn over to hug him, half lying on top of him and trying to overhear his conversation. He then hangs up and we just laid there hugging...
Ian Somerhalder

So yeah. That is the most interesting thing to happen over the last few days and it didn't even actually happen. Yeah... I'm not Harrison Ford's daughter. I'm not Ian Somerhalder's girlfriend. I'm not Patty Walters' friend. The last two things do make me quite sad.
Patty Walters
So that's all really...

Thursday 29 May 2014

X I'm Not Straight Edge But I Agree With It X

First thing I want to talk about is Patty Walter's new video! If you haven't seen it please watch it here.-->

Also, I'm not straight edge.

But I so agree with this. I personally don't see how filling your body with depressants allows you to have a good time. Surely it will just make you feel crappy and down and yet people who drink want to try and make people not drinking feel crappy and down for that. This is a situation in which we cannot win so I choose not to drink as it saves money and my liver. 

Now here's the bit I really don't understand.

People who are really depressed decide to drink. But this will only enhance their problems. It ends up being this vicious cycle where you drink because you're depressed and because you're depressed, you drink. Finish your pint and repeat. But nobody ever stops and thinks "hey, if I didn't drink depressants so much, I wouldn't be depressed so much." I mean... It seems pretty logical to me. 

Now I'm not going to act like a saint, it's not like I've never had alcohol. But I have absolutely zero interest in getting drunk. I don't like pushing my limit but at the same time, I've never been drunk so I don't actually know my limit. To be honest... this is even better because by not wanting to push my limit, I drink even less. By drinking less, I am so much better off. I'm the sort of person to go to a party, dance all night and survive on water, juice and pepsi. Yeah I might act crazy but that's just me, not my alcohol induced alter ego.

As a teenager, this is a very unpopular view to have. Alcohol is glorified by the age group. It is this amazing thing that, up until 18 in the UK, is this (for the most part) illegal substance that is rebellious to drink and therefore cool because we're not meant to be drinking it. Nobody ever seems to stop and say "Well surely there's a reason we're not allowed it?" As if it doesn't make you lose control of yourself and become a different person. But if that different person commits a crime, it's still you doing the jail time. In my head, alcohol is closely linked with regret and depression, two things I would be more than happy to avoid, so why not avoid being drunk whilst I'm at it?

These posters kind of sum it up for me. Why do things you'll regret in the name of a "good time"? I'd much rather stay sober and dance. It's much more fun than doing things I regret all to feel like shit the next morning, sitting there with a hangover and barely able to survive the day.

I know this probably sounded like a propaganda piece, but it's not. If you want to drink, then drink. I just get sick of not being understood by others and thought this might be a good blog entry to write. 

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Defy The Stars - Sophie McKenzie Book Review (No Spoilers)

'Defy the Stars' is the 4th and last book in Sophie McKenzie's Flynn and River series. I have read the previous 3 books and having just finished the 4th one, I decided to write a review.

Genre: romance

Plot rating: 5/5
Predictability rating: 3/5
Tearjerker rating: 'The Fault In Our Stars'
Overall rating: 4/5

So the first three books follow the relationship of two characters. River and Flynn. The stories are all told from River's point of view. None of her friends or family particularly like Flynn. But... this doesn't bother River and why should it?

Here's why. Flynn may be amazing at the point in time for River but the long term damage he could do is immense. But sometimes we have to look at damage caused as learning curves. When we can learn, we can become stronger. So in the end, is the danger worth it? This is part of what I love about the fourth book. It's been eight months without Flynn. River has seen the danger and she's started to move on. She has accepted that it was time for it to have ended and now she just has to carry on with life. But this book shows just how hard it can be sometimes to do what's right in a relationship and shows consequences for actions. I like that. I think it's important for teenagers to know that relationships can turn toxic and that you have to quit then, before it gets really bad.

The epilogue though, is brilliant.

The epilogue talks through all the things that have happened to each character later in life. I just think this is brilliant and really shows that life moves on. Who you are and who you're with as a teenager do not decide the rest of your life but they may define who you are later in life.

Plot rating I gave full marks because the whole plot line was just brilliant. Predictability was lower because I did see the ending coming. However, I know a lot of people probably wouldn't have so... I only gave it 3. There were plot twists along the way I didn't foresee, such as how it would happen or where or... any of it, I just figured that was how it would end.

Tearjerker rating was 'TFIOS' though. This... may be a little inaccurate. I am one of the few people who didn't cry at all reading 'TFIOS'. However, 'Defy The Stars' made me cry like I know most people did for 'TFIOS'. So... I felt I should rate it that way.

Overall, this is an amazing book from an amazing series written by an amazing author. Sophie McKenzie is a brilliant teen writer and I would recommend any of her books. Here are the ones I have read so far (with a little rating):

I will be reading more of her books over the summer so stay tuned. I hope you enjoy this book and if there are any other books I should review, let me know!

So My Last Post Went Down Well...

People actually want to read my reviews? Okay, guess I'll do more of those...

But apart from the crazy number of people seeing my blog yesterday (thank you very much for reading) today has yet again been boring.

The plan today was that I was going to meet up with a few people, watch Bad Neighbors and have some fun then come home again and continue to read Defy The Stars. However most people dropped out of going to the cinema and there seemed little point in going so we decided not to do this. I have been sat her, bored. I HAVE HOWEVER read Defy The Stars which I will write a review on so look forward to that...

So yeah, nothing much else happened. Apart from the fox coming back to visit. It was in the next garden over so I got my camera, silently opened the window and it didn't see or hear me. Then it looked up and saw me move, pelted down the end of the garden and over the fence. Stupid animal thought I couldn't see it there so I did manage to get picture though admittedly the quality isn't fantastic.

This is honestly the best I could manage in organising my pictures, I am so sorry.