Thursday 14 August 2014

Get it Right

I think people get me wrong when I say I'm not a feminist.

Saying I'm not a feminist, girls often confuse me for a misogynistic, homophobic, racist person (and I have actually been called this.) When in reality, I don't like some of the extremes feminism has caused and some of it's more hypocritical actions. These lead me to refuse to identify as a feminist. I'm just not one.

I do, contrary to popular belief, support equality for all... At least as far as is biologically possible. Obviously homosexual couples can't have children that belong to both of them. This is a biological inequality. Just as girls are naturally less strong than boys but more observant. Now, these gender differences don't always apply, but in most cases, this is how biology works.

So what exactly are my views?

Gay marriage is a must. In fact, lets just call it marriage, who cares who the fuck it is, lets all get stuck with one person for all eternity.

Girls in education. The kidnapping of girls just to stop them getting educated is wrong. FUCKING WRONG.

Also, who even gives a fuck anymore what your skin colour is. Black kids can be scholars and asians drop outs. Whats with the stereotypes. Yes, it's based on statistics. But from my perspective on the world, those statistics seem to be shifting.

So what encouraged me to write this after my massive break from blogging? (oops for that by the way.)

Racially motivated crimes. They're appaling.

How about Brendon Urie and all he's done for the Human Rights Campaign and gay pride yet it's got ruined somewhat by feminists saying that the directors cut was sexist because there were 2 women kissing but not 2 men. It's called girls/girls/boys and is based on man's experience of being in love with a bisexual woman. That is why.

Or how about those girls who were kidnapped from school because of a bunch of fucking pricks being afraid of women getting an education. Worse, the story seems to have dropped from the media because, apparently, we as humans in other countries don't care.

So maybe you should get it right what you say about me. 

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