Tuesday 18 November 2014

Girls Who Prefer Having Guy Friends

There's been a lot of hate on the internet recently to girls who prefer spending time with guys. This pisses me right off. I am a girl. My best friend is a guy. My closest friends are also all guys bar one. One.

Now, I don't see what's wrong with this. It's a personal preference. I sit and chat with a group of girls and it tends to be about boys, make up, hair, clothes... You get the picture. I don't find this interesting. However when I sit and chat with a group of guys... For one, topics seem to vary more. It might be about sport which I mostly have no interest in. It might be about films, TV shows, music, their college subjects... I know "girls talk about this stuff too." Buuuut I tend to find girls are often more into reality shows so if I want to talk about The Vampire Diaries, Arrow, Gotham, Flash, The Walking Dead, Sherlock, Modern Family... I have to talk to my mate Ali. (Okay, so he doesn't watch TWD. My point still stands.)

Yeah, some girls like the same music as me. But often they don't. The music I like isn't exactly popular so finding someone who has an agreeable taste is hard. But guys are often less judgemental and don't say shit like "that sounds like eeemooo music." I mean seriously? It's a damned Christmas song!

Why is it that girls who only hang out with girls don't get that kinda hate? They're still picking one gender over the other. Just because I pick guys over girls I'm meant to be a misogynist? Surely that argument can be used on any girl who is straight because she'd date a guy over a girl.

Do you see my point?