Saturday 7 June 2014

Not Knowing What To Blog About/Bucket List

I have no idea what to blog about (hence my lack of posts) so here is my bucket list for the summer.

  1. Keep a journal
  2. Make a music video and send it to BBC radio 1
  3. Read a lot
  4. Find a new TV series to watch (I watch very little TV)
  5. Dress up as a pokemon 
  6. Dress up as Harley Quinn (again)
  7. Visit Hampton Court
  8. Go on the London Eye
  9. Go to London aquarium 
  10. Go to Covent garden
  11. Visit Bow Street
  12. Go to build a bear
  13. Go to the beach
  14. Have a picnic in central London
  15. Have a picnic on Wimbledon common
  16. Have a massive water fight
  17. Have a sleepover
  18. Watch The Fault in our Stars
  19. Watch The Anomaly
  20. Studio Ghibli marathon
  21. Go to a concert
  22. Make something from Nerdy Nummies
  23. Lighten my hair
  24. Add colour to my hair
  25. Pull an all nighter
  26. Pictures in a photobooth
  27. Go bowling
  28. Spa day with friends
  29. Raise money for charity
  30. Keep this blog going

That's it for now but I might think of more and make a part 2.

Sunday 1 June 2014

I Had A Strange Dream

Yeah... Nothing interesting happens. I might just do more responses to YouTube videos...

So since Wednesday the following happened:

  • Met up with an old friend
  • Bowling was cancelled
  • Family stuff to do
  • Babysat

Thrilling, amayrite?

The most interesting thing was probably the dream I had last night... It was certainly... different.

Harrison Ford
There was a carnival/funfair thing on. I was there with some people I haven't seen in years. We did loads of crazy stuff and went on all the rides. Then I eventually went home. So I go home and I lived in this crazy big white and dark grey mansion. I go in and, for some reason, my dad is now Harrison Ford. So I'm wandering round the kitchen chatting to him as my dad then I decide to go upstairs. I go into my bedroom which is HUGE and there are 3 rooms attached, 2 bathrooms (one for each gender) and a massive cupboard with a huge bookshelf and wardrobe in it. So I go to lay in bed when Ian Somerhalder walks in. He's got on quite thick eyeliner for some reason and it can best be described as being like Jack Sparrow eyeliner. So he's on the phone to Patty Walters (seeing anything completely weird and random here?) and he's talking about how Patty got a new girlfriend and asking him questions about her and saying how good it is and how he deserves it after being single for so long (Patty Walters actually has a girlfriend in case you are wondering) and then Ian, still on the phone, come to lie next to me on the bed. I turn over to hug him, half lying on top of him and trying to overhear his conversation. He then hangs up and we just laid there hugging...
Ian Somerhalder

So yeah. That is the most interesting thing to happen over the last few days and it didn't even actually happen. Yeah... I'm not Harrison Ford's daughter. I'm not Ian Somerhalder's girlfriend. I'm not Patty Walters' friend. The last two things do make me quite sad.
Patty Walters
So that's all really...