Thursday 25 September 2014

Rumours and Being Called Autistic

Recently at college there have rumours within a certain group of people I know. These rumours concerned me and my love life (which doesn't actually exist, hence why these are no more than rumours.)

Firstly, there were rumours that one of my friends liked me. I knew full well that this was not the case. We share a mutual feeling of "You're a bit of a prick but we're friends nonetheless so let's just keep you in the friendzone." This was a rumour I could cope with on it's own.

The second rumour I heard was along similar lines only with a different person who I was not (at least at the time) quite as close with. I heard this once and then later on that day, I heard it again. Only the second time it was more developed and made to sound like something that had spread more widely and the other person involved was aware of. This set me off in a panic as it made me think he had confirmed some sort of truth to this, to which there was none. However, when I confronted him on the matter, he had no idea what was going on and this was the first he had heard of it.

This first person I started hearing rumours from has started being even more annoying though. On Monday, I was in a room with him when I threw some sellotape at his water bottle. Not him, his water bottle. I hot the target but he still turned round and called me autistic because "autistic people throw things." Now, I have nothing against autistic people. I do, however, find it rather offensive both to myself and people who do suffer from autism that this be said. He then went on to tell me I have anger issues to which I thought "no shit, you just called me autistic." and then he told me I must have some form of mental illness.

I'm sorry, what!?

As if he hadn't already been offensive enough, he then told me I must have a mental illness. For all he knows, I do. I really found this offensive. As somebody who may or may not suffer anxiety/a panic disorder, depression, a sleeping disorder and has previously had an eating disorder... I found this seriously offensive.

Today, I told two mutual friends about what had happened. They told me that I shouldn't take it seriously as this guy had clearly been joking. This has only further pissed me off. I have talked to this guy and explained that I am annoyed and laid out my reasons as to why.

Lesson here: Don't call people autistic or tell them they have anger issues or a mental illness. These are serious things and it may well result in upsetting/annoying a person.

Rant over.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Pepper Spray

Seeing as it's been all over Twitter, I'm guessing you all know I'm not talking about ACTUAL pepper spray...

Yes! That guy. Sam Pepper, the infamous YouTube vlogger who has finally been called out on his sexual harassment of women. His newest 3 part video series was supposedly a social experiment to highlight the serious issue of abuse towards both men and women. However, the first video was titled a "prank" and the women who were sexually harassed, in the form of having their rear ends pinched/grabbed by the vlogger, all seemed a little too uncomfortable for what Sam said on Twitter to be:
and just to let anyone who is confused know, ALL PEOPLE in the video gave PRIOR CONSENT to ACTING in the experiment.

This clearly seems to have come off as a lie. What I personally don't understand is why he waited so long to say anything about it. The video "Fake Hand Ass Pinch Prank" was uploaded Saturday 20th September 2014 to Sam Pepper's YouTube channel though has been removed since. On Tuesday 23rd September 2014, Sam uploaded Part Two in which he had a female friend do exactly the same to guys. However, this all seemed a little rushed, especially with Part Three: The Reveal being uploaded later that same day. This is the only video in the trilogy to have remained on YouTube. The other videos were taken down for their sexual content.

Many other YouTubers have stood up and had their say on the subject.

Hank Green and TheFineBros 

Jack Howard from OMFGIt'sJackandDean


However, I think the most shocking YouTuber reactions have to be from Dottie Martin (thisbedottie) and Laci Green (sex+)

Laci has also posted about threatening emails she has received from Sam, warning her not to say anything.