Wednesday 25 June 2014


Consent - OMFGItsJackAndDean

"Lets let this out to the right extent, this guy wants you but only with your consent!"

This song is so funny and yet has a serious point to it. Consent is really important in all cases of sexual activity. If one or both parties do not give consent, it is a crime. Make sure you have consent assholes!

Knowing people who have been sexually assaulted, I have seen the sort of effects it can have on people. Some people cope better than others but just because someone can go on living like it was nothing, doesn't mean it was okay. They still didn't want it to happen and I think maybe lack of reporting sexual assault and rape is a large part of why some people still seem to think it's okay.

Welcome to the 21st century. Stop being a prick, it's not okay anymore!

This social prerequisite that having lost your v-card makes you cool... It doesn't.

This social expectation for people to have sex with their partners... It doesn't matter.

The mindset that you should be able to have sex with your partner... Go fuck yourself, why should they want to?

There was a lot of controversy earlier this year about consent after a string of allegations against YouTubers. As a reaction to this, there were also a lot of videos made about consent by famous YouTubers who are of the same mindset: Consent is compulsory, not optional.

John Green, vlogger and author (including the author of "The Fault In Our Stars")

Lex Croucher, vlogger

Charlie McDonnell, vlogger

Charlie's blog: Consent

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