Saturday 28 June 2014

Sex: Outside a Relationship?

So the other day a friend told me that "50% of guys know what they want and don't mind being alone." Implying that guys want sex and don't care if they're in a relationship or not. I don't think this is quite true. The percentage seems wrong and so does the fact that he left girls out of this statement. So here are the rough categories of when people want sex in and out of relationships.

Just sex, no strings attached
No relationship, no commitment. The perks of sex without the downsides that there are to a relationship. No commitment, no having to remember birthdays or anniversaries or valentines day. Also, you don't have to buy gifts or pay for dates. Just condoms.

Relationship, great. No relationship, one night stand it is.
Basically what my friend was describing. The idea that sex is more important than a relationship but obviously a relationship has it's perks. The feeling of being in a relationship and love... Plus the fact that sex is more likely as you don't have to go out and look for a partner.

Sex inside a relationship
One night stands seem pointless and sex is more meaningful in a relationship. You know the person and are more comfortable with them, that's how it's meant to be, right? Not this promiscuous nature that is encouraged by the media and practiced by so many teenagers.

No sex please
Sex isn't for everyone. It might be religion, not feeling ready, conscience, morality or something that you maybe can't place your finger on... You're just not ready for sex yet.

Relationships? Sex? Ew.
Doesn't all this stuff require a little too much emotion? And let's be honest... everybody of the gender that you go for is a bit of a douche.

Short entry but... I felt like I needed to go through this.

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