Thursday 9 October 2014


Google, what's a flirtationship?

  1. Flirtationship (n) – A social situation that comprises more than a friendship, but less than a relationship. Although Urban Dictionary defines it as “when you regularly flirt with a friend, but do no more,” that doesn't preclude a relationship in the future, necessarily.
Ever been in one? Many people will find themselves in one of these at some point.

I just thought I'd write one about my own experience,

There's a guy. *yawn* another high school story. But shhhh! He's really nice and rather attractive... Stop yawning, just listen! Anyway, we spent a lot of time over the summer holidays (and some time before) flirting back and forth. There were conversations at ungodly hours, joking around, hinting, sexual jokes that wouldn't normally be made between friends... I think you probably get the picture.

We finally met up towards the end of the summer but only with a large group of mutual friends. This guy turned up late and came to sit next to me. At lunch he attempted to get me to sit next to him only I'd already sat next to another friend and on our way to the bus stop, we mostly just chatted to each other.

Nothing significant actually happened.

So, I say as a joke in a group chat that they should come with me to this exhibition I had to go to. It was a throwaway comment and I didn't think anybody would take it seriously. So when I get a text from this guy when I'm on my way asking what time I'm getting there. I asked why he wanted to come and he replied "I have taken a sudden interest in photography." And wr spent the next 3 days joking about it. I had already been on my way and so when he got there I was long gone. But he had turned up and I wondered, if I stayed, would it have been a date? 

Anyway, after the holidays finished and it was back to college he appearingly ceased to give a damn about me as anything other than a peer. I found all this very strange and realised he probably got bored of me. I got over it, it wasn't ever serious. Nowhere near. 

But then he took an interest again. The moral of this story is not to let people fuck you around but also not to waste time. If I had just worked up the guts to ask him on an actual date, things might be VERY different. 

He and I still talk. I hope he doesn't find this blog post. 

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