Thursday 3 July 2014


Filming to begin in 2015 for 4 new episodes. The question is:

Will they be to the same standard as series 1 and 2 or series 3?

Let's be honest here, series 3 may have been the funniest series as of yet but it was not as good as the first 2 series in it's deduction and well thought out plots. It's a crime drama, not a comedy. This has resulted in the loss of some fans because it's lost it's charm in it's plots. These are the more hard core fans and chances are, this won't be fixed. With the fangirl culture overriding nerd culture, Moffat and Gatiss are being told that it's brilliant and funny and even better than before. In reality, the people who are fans of the Sherlock books are leaving and will not watch series 4 because they feel it's gotten lost to a bunch of 12 year old girls and they're more focused on being Twitter trends than a good show.

Maybe I'm being harsh. But Mary Morstan is an assassin? Where was that in the books? I get it that with the empowerment of women we're trying to make female characters more exciting, more masculine. I like strong female characters but... this is just plain strange.

Also, we still haven't been told how Sherlock faked his death. Let's be honest, this was a MASSIVE let down for everyone. And surely most options rely on Moriarty ACTUALLY being dead. So now we're guessing how they both managed to survive.

Anyway, I love the show, just feeling a little disappointed.

Here's to a good 2016 for Sherlock!

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