Wednesday 28 May 2014

Defy The Stars - Sophie McKenzie Book Review (No Spoilers)

'Defy the Stars' is the 4th and last book in Sophie McKenzie's Flynn and River series. I have read the previous 3 books and having just finished the 4th one, I decided to write a review.

Genre: romance

Plot rating: 5/5
Predictability rating: 3/5
Tearjerker rating: 'The Fault In Our Stars'
Overall rating: 4/5

So the first three books follow the relationship of two characters. River and Flynn. The stories are all told from River's point of view. None of her friends or family particularly like Flynn. But... this doesn't bother River and why should it?

Here's why. Flynn may be amazing at the point in time for River but the long term damage he could do is immense. But sometimes we have to look at damage caused as learning curves. When we can learn, we can become stronger. So in the end, is the danger worth it? This is part of what I love about the fourth book. It's been eight months without Flynn. River has seen the danger and she's started to move on. She has accepted that it was time for it to have ended and now she just has to carry on with life. But this book shows just how hard it can be sometimes to do what's right in a relationship and shows consequences for actions. I like that. I think it's important for teenagers to know that relationships can turn toxic and that you have to quit then, before it gets really bad.

The epilogue though, is brilliant.

The epilogue talks through all the things that have happened to each character later in life. I just think this is brilliant and really shows that life moves on. Who you are and who you're with as a teenager do not decide the rest of your life but they may define who you are later in life.

Plot rating I gave full marks because the whole plot line was just brilliant. Predictability was lower because I did see the ending coming. However, I know a lot of people probably wouldn't have so... I only gave it 3. There were plot twists along the way I didn't foresee, such as how it would happen or where or... any of it, I just figured that was how it would end.

Tearjerker rating was 'TFIOS' though. This... may be a little inaccurate. I am one of the few people who didn't cry at all reading 'TFIOS'. However, 'Defy The Stars' made me cry like I know most people did for 'TFIOS'. So... I felt I should rate it that way.

Overall, this is an amazing book from an amazing series written by an amazing author. Sophie McKenzie is a brilliant teen writer and I would recommend any of her books. Here are the ones I have read so far (with a little rating):

I will be reading more of her books over the summer so stay tuned. I hope you enjoy this book and if there are any other books I should review, let me know!

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