Sunday 25 May 2014

First BBQ of the Year

And what a lovely barbecue it was. The great thing about barbecues is the photographic opportunities. Or at least... It is in my view. I think fire and water are two of the best things to photograph because it's just interesting. This must make me sound like the most boring person on the planet but... I don't particularly care.

 I honestly don't care how boring you think this is, I find this interesting.

So that was fun. The food was delicious and my younger brothers were causing chaos the entire time. At one point the youngest one ran full speed, head first towards the barbecue. My dad had lightning reflexes and thank god or else I'd be reporting my trip to the hospital.

So other than that, I got bored. Decided a one person party in my bedroom was a good idea. Put on Save Rock and Roll - Fall Out Boy and used a disco ball that my dad got in Tescos for 50p back in January. Of course, I still had my camera and ended up doing this...

 I hate putting pictures into this blog because it is so hard to f**king organize them properly. 

 So that's kinda it for today. The only other thing it Luke Cutforth and Patty Walter's new video which some girls I was friends with in year 9 are in. So yeah, A Song About A Girl - Luke Cutforth and Patty Walters

 So... that was fun, right?

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