Tuesday 27 May 2014

The Vampire Diaries Series 5 Finale Review (SPOILERS)

The Vampire Diaries, Series 5 Episode 22 - Home

My general feelings on this episode.
Genre: Supernatural drama, romance, horror (in that order)

Overall rating: 3/5

Okay so this is one of my favourite TV shows... I mean I actually watch it! Let's have a little background to my thoughts on the show in hopes that all this makes just a little more sense.

I've been a Damon girl from the VERY beginning. I hadn't seen Ian Somerhalder in anything else. I just fell in love with this character. Now he is highly attractive but his character's personality... That is one bad ass jerk. Sexy, bad ass, jerk. So obviously this episode wasn't going to go down too well with me. But then we also have to look at his brother here... I was actually quite happy when Stefan died in the previous episode.

*gasp* You can't say that Sophie! 

I. Was. Glad. The. Bastard. Died.

I know, I know. Main character. VERY essential to the plot line but I honestly feel like he was forgotten about slightly when 'Delena' happened. His character development didn't go beyond seeing him fall for Caroline. I did like Stefan's character up until this but... He just doesn't seem totally necessary now. 

SO WHY THE F**K DID THEY BRING HIM BACK AND NOT DAMON?! (you were warned of spoilers!) 

I just do not understand why you would kill of Damon though? He was one of the biggest plot drivers from the very beginning! 

Also, why couldn't Lexi make it back? Another of the VERY best characters on the show. She was there! She had her chance! Write her in.

So on a lighter note... Bonnie died. I honestly find her morals and choices questionable and think she's too in the front for a character that should really be kept to the back. I think Caroline said it best in the first series. 

I just... I found her character annoying. Which is funny because I initially really liked Bonnie. I also initially hated Caroline. So bonus marks to the writers for character development of Caroline. She is now the best female character (thanks again for getting rid of Lexi and Rebekah) and so we kind of have to love her. 
Also, Alaric is back. This is just... amazing! I love Alaric. Again, strong character. I just hope they don't ruin him as well. Plus... What will he be like without Damon? Damon just pushes the plot along in ALL aspects so I don't understand the logic in killing him off.

So my summary in pictures:

 To the storyline

To Damon (goodbye kiss)
 My thoughts on Damon's death

My thoughts on the writers.

BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK? Please argue with me and make me see things in a better light because I'm not convinced I'll watch series 6.

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