Sunday 1 February 2015

I'm Writing (Another) Story?!

For those of you who are unaware, hopefully this is all of you, I previously wrote an entire story called 'Undead April' which told the story of a group of school kids in Ireland who fought their way through a zombie apocalypse. The cover of the book was made from a picture of a sunset I took in Ireland that I had then manipulated the contrast on and turned red, then added some writing to make a cover. Really creative cover. The whole thing was awful.

I'm incredibly hopeful that this is no longer up on the internet. I'm fairly sure it's gone. I think I deleted the account I put it on. I mean, at the time I thought it was great. I was all "yeah, I finished writing a story. I even wrote a dedication in the front. Aren't I awesome?" No Sophie. No you were not.

It's 7060 words in length and the dedication reads as follows:
"For my partners in crime Lily, Connor, Harry, Aisling, Jess, Ash and Aly. 
And Evan. You violent sod."
 Not exactly my most proud achievement. Dedicating a book to the friends who were the characters. Oh and my boyfriend. My absolute scum bucket of a boyfriend. I was 14 okay?

So, leaving this in the past... my goal for this year is to finish writing a book I can actually be proud of. So far, I've managed to write the first chapter and part of a prologue. Basically because I'm struggling with character development.

The story revolves around six main characters. Three girls, three guys. All of varying background. It's set in a London college this time rather than back end of nowhere Ireland. Oh, and there are no zombies. I'm done with writing about zombies.

So far, I've managed to form a strong connect with two of these characters, Jasey and Calix. Jasey is a 16 year old girl who dresses mostly in black skinny jeans, black converse and an ever growing array of band merch. Her closest friends are Stella and Holly and she plays drums, guitar and bass. Calix, on the other hand, is an 18 year old college resit who's smarter than he lets on. He has a fairly good dress sense and wears far more colour than Jasey. The other 4 central characters include a nerd, a popular singer, a smart and crazy future doctor and an egotistical womanizer named after a god of war. I think I've got enough diversity in the characters.

Anyway, not to spoil the plot as, hopefully, it'll get read at the end of the year. Buuuuut... expect some comedy and failed romance. Actually... maybe you should expect failed comedy too.

So yeah, hopefully this will be better. I shall leave you with a short extract from 'Undead April' just to embarass myself and prove my point. Like I said... I was 14.

The first zombie to appear was coming up the hill towards us. 1 smash with the fire extinguisher and it was splashed against the railings. But we had about 5 minutes to walk up the street before we reached Fallons. Finn hit a girl I recognised from the local supermarket. We started to see a few zombies dressed in school uniform. I noticed a girl in my class who had always gotten on my nerves. I slapped her with the extinguisher. She didn’t fall down but she stumbled back. I hit her again and she fell down. I bashed her head a few more times and ran on. Finn was fighting off one trying to bite him. I gave it a sharp blow to the head and we continued down the street.

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