Thursday, 29 January 2015

One Year Single

January 30th 2014. My boyfriend and I broke up.

I'm not still sad. I have moved on. You know what? It's great! Being single is a lot easier than being in a relationship because it's a lot less effort. When we broke up, it was a Thursday. My photography coursework was due in the next day so I went in early and spent the entire day sticking photos to pieces of cardboard. I hardly talked to anyone, just kept to myself. Then it was the weekend and I just kept away from social media and my phone.

Monday rolls around and I suddenly realised. "Hey, that guy is quite cute. In fact... He's really rather hot. I see him every week, how have I not noticed how attractive he is before?" I was in a relationship. I wasn't looking around. That's why I'd failed to notice. I developed a minor crush on this guy, nothing that made me want to act on it, but a minor crush. Apparently this was the same as every other girl who knew him.

But time went on. I met another guy who was SO not my type and yet... I was strangely into him. I guess it was around May I developed a crush on him and, as I have mentioned before on my blog, we had a flirtationship over the summer. It was, at least on my end, you're attractive, make me laugh and the only other person dumb enough to be online at 4am. What can I say, I'm not a big sleeper.

What I didn't write in a previous blog post, mostly because this happened afterwards, was that I actually decided to tell this guy I like him. Not because I wanted a serious relationship with him. I merely figured "This guy is flirting, I like him. Why not? A little bit of fun never hurt anybody." but not no avail. Turns out, he's just an extremely flirty guy and he didn't like him back. But, I'm pretty good at getting over people... Though this may have taken a whole week! Then my friend text him. From my phone. Lets just say this guy and I have spoken once since. Very briefly.

But I think my most important experience from this guy is how his best friend behaves. You know when someone gives you a dirty look? He always does that to me... but in stare form. It annoys me to hell and back. I swear one day I'm gonna bring Satan's pitchfork back with me and whack him across the head with it. Take a picture, it'll last longer dumbass.

And then there's one last guy. I like him. He likes me. We're not bf/gf but we're seeing each other and flirting very openly. This is quite nice. We're taking it slow, not rushing. I feel comfortable with it so far and that's always important.

The point I'm trying to make here is that being single gives you chances to experience things you wouldn't otherwise experience and it allows you to grow, something I really feel I've done over the last year.

Here's to 2015!