Thursday, 29 May 2014

X I'm Not Straight Edge But I Agree With It X

First thing I want to talk about is Patty Walter's new video! If you haven't seen it please watch it here.-->

Also, I'm not straight edge.

But I so agree with this. I personally don't see how filling your body with depressants allows you to have a good time. Surely it will just make you feel crappy and down and yet people who drink want to try and make people not drinking feel crappy and down for that. This is a situation in which we cannot win so I choose not to drink as it saves money and my liver. 

Now here's the bit I really don't understand.

People who are really depressed decide to drink. But this will only enhance their problems. It ends up being this vicious cycle where you drink because you're depressed and because you're depressed, you drink. Finish your pint and repeat. But nobody ever stops and thinks "hey, if I didn't drink depressants so much, I wouldn't be depressed so much." I mean... It seems pretty logical to me. 

Now I'm not going to act like a saint, it's not like I've never had alcohol. But I have absolutely zero interest in getting drunk. I don't like pushing my limit but at the same time, I've never been drunk so I don't actually know my limit. To be honest... this is even better because by not wanting to push my limit, I drink even less. By drinking less, I am so much better off. I'm the sort of person to go to a party, dance all night and survive on water, juice and pepsi. Yeah I might act crazy but that's just me, not my alcohol induced alter ego.

As a teenager, this is a very unpopular view to have. Alcohol is glorified by the age group. It is this amazing thing that, up until 18 in the UK, is this (for the most part) illegal substance that is rebellious to drink and therefore cool because we're not meant to be drinking it. Nobody ever seems to stop and say "Well surely there's a reason we're not allowed it?" As if it doesn't make you lose control of yourself and become a different person. But if that different person commits a crime, it's still you doing the jail time. In my head, alcohol is closely linked with regret and depression, two things I would be more than happy to avoid, so why not avoid being drunk whilst I'm at it?

These posters kind of sum it up for me. Why do things you'll regret in the name of a "good time"? I'd much rather stay sober and dance. It's much more fun than doing things I regret all to feel like shit the next morning, sitting there with a hangover and barely able to survive the day.

I know this probably sounded like a propaganda piece, but it's not. If you want to drink, then drink. I just get sick of not being understood by others and thought this might be a good blog entry to write. 

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Defy The Stars - Sophie McKenzie Book Review (No Spoilers)

'Defy the Stars' is the 4th and last book in Sophie McKenzie's Flynn and River series. I have read the previous 3 books and having just finished the 4th one, I decided to write a review.

Genre: romance

Plot rating: 5/5
Predictability rating: 3/5
Tearjerker rating: 'The Fault In Our Stars'
Overall rating: 4/5

So the first three books follow the relationship of two characters. River and Flynn. The stories are all told from River's point of view. None of her friends or family particularly like Flynn. But... this doesn't bother River and why should it?

Here's why. Flynn may be amazing at the point in time for River but the long term damage he could do is immense. But sometimes we have to look at damage caused as learning curves. When we can learn, we can become stronger. So in the end, is the danger worth it? This is part of what I love about the fourth book. It's been eight months without Flynn. River has seen the danger and she's started to move on. She has accepted that it was time for it to have ended and now she just has to carry on with life. But this book shows just how hard it can be sometimes to do what's right in a relationship and shows consequences for actions. I like that. I think it's important for teenagers to know that relationships can turn toxic and that you have to quit then, before it gets really bad.

The epilogue though, is brilliant.

The epilogue talks through all the things that have happened to each character later in life. I just think this is brilliant and really shows that life moves on. Who you are and who you're with as a teenager do not decide the rest of your life but they may define who you are later in life.

Plot rating I gave full marks because the whole plot line was just brilliant. Predictability was lower because I did see the ending coming. However, I know a lot of people probably wouldn't have so... I only gave it 3. There were plot twists along the way I didn't foresee, such as how it would happen or where or... any of it, I just figured that was how it would end.

Tearjerker rating was 'TFIOS' though. This... may be a little inaccurate. I am one of the few people who didn't cry at all reading 'TFIOS'. However, 'Defy The Stars' made me cry like I know most people did for 'TFIOS'. So... I felt I should rate it that way.

Overall, this is an amazing book from an amazing series written by an amazing author. Sophie McKenzie is a brilliant teen writer and I would recommend any of her books. Here are the ones I have read so far (with a little rating):

I will be reading more of her books over the summer so stay tuned. I hope you enjoy this book and if there are any other books I should review, let me know!

So My Last Post Went Down Well...

People actually want to read my reviews? Okay, guess I'll do more of those...

But apart from the crazy number of people seeing my blog yesterday (thank you very much for reading) today has yet again been boring.

The plan today was that I was going to meet up with a few people, watch Bad Neighbors and have some fun then come home again and continue to read Defy The Stars. However most people dropped out of going to the cinema and there seemed little point in going so we decided not to do this. I have been sat her, bored. I HAVE HOWEVER read Defy The Stars which I will write a review on so look forward to that...

So yeah, nothing much else happened. Apart from the fox coming back to visit. It was in the next garden over so I got my camera, silently opened the window and it didn't see or hear me. Then it looked up and saw me move, pelted down the end of the garden and over the fence. Stupid animal thought I couldn't see it there so I did manage to get picture though admittedly the quality isn't fantastic.

This is honestly the best I could manage in organising my pictures, I am so sorry.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Vampire Diaries Series 5 Finale Review (SPOILERS)

The Vampire Diaries, Series 5 Episode 22 - Home

My general feelings on this episode.
Genre: Supernatural drama, romance, horror (in that order)

Overall rating: 3/5

Okay so this is one of my favourite TV shows... I mean I actually watch it! Let's have a little background to my thoughts on the show in hopes that all this makes just a little more sense.

I've been a Damon girl from the VERY beginning. I hadn't seen Ian Somerhalder in anything else. I just fell in love with this character. Now he is highly attractive but his character's personality... That is one bad ass jerk. Sexy, bad ass, jerk. So obviously this episode wasn't going to go down too well with me. But then we also have to look at his brother here... I was actually quite happy when Stefan died in the previous episode.

*gasp* You can't say that Sophie! 

I. Was. Glad. The. Bastard. Died.

I know, I know. Main character. VERY essential to the plot line but I honestly feel like he was forgotten about slightly when 'Delena' happened. His character development didn't go beyond seeing him fall for Caroline. I did like Stefan's character up until this but... He just doesn't seem totally necessary now. 

SO WHY THE F**K DID THEY BRING HIM BACK AND NOT DAMON?! (you were warned of spoilers!) 

I just do not understand why you would kill of Damon though? He was one of the biggest plot drivers from the very beginning! 

Also, why couldn't Lexi make it back? Another of the VERY best characters on the show. She was there! She had her chance! Write her in.

So on a lighter note... Bonnie died. I honestly find her morals and choices questionable and think she's too in the front for a character that should really be kept to the back. I think Caroline said it best in the first series. 

I just... I found her character annoying. Which is funny because I initially really liked Bonnie. I also initially hated Caroline. So bonus marks to the writers for character development of Caroline. She is now the best female character (thanks again for getting rid of Lexi and Rebekah) and so we kind of have to love her. 
Also, Alaric is back. This is just... amazing! I love Alaric. Again, strong character. I just hope they don't ruin him as well. Plus... What will he be like without Damon? Damon just pushes the plot along in ALL aspects so I don't understand the logic in killing him off.

So my summary in pictures:

 To the storyline

To Damon (goodbye kiss)
 My thoughts on Damon's death

My thoughts on the writers.

BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK? Please argue with me and make me see things in a better light because I'm not convinced I'll watch series 6.

Well Isn't This Mundane?

Forgot to update yesterday... Oops.

I guess there's just not much to say. I had family over and that was boring. That was also pretty much it for yesterday.

Today I met up with a friend in Kingston to do a photo shoot for my photography project. Not that I'll put those pictures online, reasons being:
  1. I need his consent
  2. I can't be bothered asking for consent
  3. I hate trying to put pictures into my blog because it's so freakin' difficult to organise them 
So yeah. That's pretty much it for the last two days...

The Vampire Diaries finale airs in England tonight so expect a review of that (well, don't but I'm going to try to write one)

Also, danisnotonfire and sprinkleofglitter are apparently uploading collabs tonight so THIS IS ACTUALLY EXCITING.

See? Mundane!

Sunday, 25 May 2014

First BBQ of the Year

And what a lovely barbecue it was. The great thing about barbecues is the photographic opportunities. Or at least... It is in my view. I think fire and water are two of the best things to photograph because it's just interesting. This must make me sound like the most boring person on the planet but... I don't particularly care.

 I honestly don't care how boring you think this is, I find this interesting.

So that was fun. The food was delicious and my younger brothers were causing chaos the entire time. At one point the youngest one ran full speed, head first towards the barbecue. My dad had lightning reflexes and thank god or else I'd be reporting my trip to the hospital.

So other than that, I got bored. Decided a one person party in my bedroom was a good idea. Put on Save Rock and Roll - Fall Out Boy and used a disco ball that my dad got in Tescos for 50p back in January. Of course, I still had my camera and ended up doing this...

 I hate putting pictures into this blog because it is so hard to f**king organize them properly. 

 So that's kinda it for today. The only other thing it Luke Cutforth and Patty Walter's new video which some girls I was friends with in year 9 are in. So yeah, A Song About A Girl - Luke Cutforth and Patty Walters

 So... that was fun, right?