Also, I'm not straight edge.
But I so agree with this. I personally don't see how filling your body with depressants allows you to have a good time. Surely it will just make you feel crappy and down and yet people who drink want to try and make people not drinking feel crappy and down for that. This is a situation in which we cannot win so I choose not to drink as it saves money and my liver.
Now here's the bit I really don't understand.

Now I'm not going to act like a saint, it's not like I've never had alcohol. But I have absolutely zero interest in getting drunk. I don't like pushing my limit but at the same time, I've never been drunk so I don't actually know my limit. To be honest... this is even better because by not wanting to push my limit, I drink even less. By drinking less, I am so much better off. I'm the sort of person to go to a party, dance all night and survive on water, juice and pepsi. Yeah I might act crazy but that's just me, not my alcohol induced alter ego.

These posters kind of sum it up for me. Why do things you'll regret in the name of a "good time"? I'd much rather stay sober and dance. It's much more fun than doing things I regret all to feel like shit the next morning, sitting there with a hangover and barely able to survive the day.
I know this probably sounded like a propaganda piece, but it's not. If you want to drink, then drink. I just get sick of not being understood by others and thought this might be a good blog entry to write.